If the police have charged you with driving under the influence (DUI), it is important to take a broad approach to your defense. You need to examine all possible options, including looking at things that might seem insignificant to you. One of those might be why the...
Drunk Driving
Beware of trying to measure your drinks this New Year’s Eve
If you are heading out this New Year, you might be wondering how much you can drink before driving home. If you are thinking this, you are setting yourself up for problems. Firstly it is important to remember that you do not need to be over the legal limit to pick up...
What is the standardized field sobriety test?
Many people have seen police officers asking drivers who might be impaired to go through a series of tests. In movies and on television, these may include things like reciting the alphabet backward or counting in a certain sequence. While there are a host of tests...
Can you get a DUI if you’re under the legal limit?
Every state has a law that says you are breaking the law if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above the legal limit while driving – and Mississippi is no exception. This is called the “per se” limit, and it means that the police can charge you with driving under the...
4 kinds of field sobriety tests
The police can ask drivers whether they have been drinking during traffic stops. If the police do not gather enough evidence by asking drivers questions, they may ask drivers to perform field sobriety tests. Field sobriety tests make drivers move around in ways that...
Don’t try to fool an alcohol breath test
Attempting to fool an alcohol breath test is a risky and often ineffective strategy that can lead to serious legal consequences. Although trying to manipulate breathalyzer results can be tempting after a motorist has been pulled over – especially if they know that...
Signs of drunk driving officers may look for
As a general rule, police officers are not supposed to conduct random traffic stops. Even if it’s a time when they know that impaired driving is common – such as after 2:00 AM – they can’t randomly stop drivers just to give them breath tests. They usually need to see...
Teen DUI in Mississippi: Consequences, options and guidance
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense, and in Mississippi, the law takes a strong stance against underage drunk driving. Mississippi essentially has a zero-tolerance law for drivers under the age of 21. It means that youths with any blood alcohol...
Do DUIs affect your insurance premiums?
Vehicle insurance can feel like an unwelcome cost each time your renewal comes around. It’s one of those expenses you may resent having to pay. However, people are always grateful that they have it if they're involved in a collision. A driving under the influence...
2 facts about chemical breath sobriety tests
There are three kinds of chemical sobriety tests. Each of these tests evaluates the amount of alcohol found in a person’s body. Drivers may relocate to a police station or hospital to have their blood or urine tested. However, many people submit to chemical breath...
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Jackson, MS 39201
Phone: 601-208-0137
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