If you’re in college, whether you remember doing so or not, you likely agreed to a code of conduct. Most colleges have a general code that students need to follow, defining what their overall behaviors should look like. If students violate this code of conduct, then...
Drunk Driving
4 myths about alcohol and driving
People say a lot of things that aren’t true. Sometimes these are innocent misconceptions. Other times, these myths could lead to serious criminal charges. If you hear someone talking about alcohol and driving facts, you may need to check if it’s true first. Here are a...
When is a DUI offender eligible for non-adjudication?
DUI charges can result in severe consequences, impacting an individual’s personal and professional life. Thankfully, in the state of Mississippi, eligible individuals have an option to pursue non-adjudication. Essentially, non-adjudication is a legal process that...
Can you tell if you are sober enough to drive?
Many people believe that they know how much they can drink before driving. They are sure that they are safe to get behind the wheel and get home without incident and that even if the police pull them over, they will pass any test the officers ask them to take. It...
When a nurse gets a DUI
Mississippi nurses may face serious consequences if they are ever convicted of driving under the influence. Section 73-15-17 of the Mississippi Code empowers and authorizes the Mississippi Board of Nursing to keep records, issue subpoenas, conduct hearings, cause...
What penalties do pilots convicted of DUI face?
Mississippi motorists who are convicted of driving while under the influence face fines and possible jail time, but the consequences of driving drunk can be even more serious for pilots. People who hold pilot’s licenses in the United States must comply with rules laid...
Reasonable suspicion and probable cause in DUI cases
Most drunk driving cases in Mississippi begin with a routine traffic stop. Police officers in the Magnolia State do not have to observe a traffic violation to pull a motor vehicle over, but they must have the requisite reasonable suspicion. This is a legal standard...
What should you know about field sobriety tests?
It’s terrifying when Mississippi drivers get pulled over by police on suspicion of drunk driving. If the officer believes you are under the influence, they might ask you some questions and to take tests. Field sobriety tests are among those designed to check for...
How to handle an accident involving a drunk driver
As a driver in Mississippi, it's possible at some point you'll end up in a car accident. And while you hope it's not the case, the other driver may be under the influence. Getting in an accident can be an uncertain and scary experience, even before you factor in drunk...
Challenging field sobriety test results in Mississippi
If you were pulled over by a Mississippi police officer on suspicion of DUI, you probably underwent a field sobriety test to assess whether a driver is impaired. Unfortunately, these tests are notoriously unreliable, and challenging their results can be crucial to a...
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Jackson, MS 39201
Phone: 601-208-0137
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